Wednesday, August 30, 2017

THE PISTONS - Investigations 7 w Flight 581 LP

REPOST Request:  Sorry to Dave for the delay on this post as I needed to remaster the 7 a little bit.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Bruce Brodeen said...
Never heard the first one but bought the second one back in he day and played it fairly regularly. Well, the half of the album that hit me. Really, rock-solid Mid-West bar rock/pop with a pubby, old-fashion feel...THANK YOU for this one! (and so many others...)

MARCH 8, 2017 AT 10:32 AM
Dave From Mpls said...
I appreciate your posting of the Mpls bands from my heyday. I missed this one and now it's gone.

Off topic, but I'm wondering if you know of any blogs that regularly post alt country stuff. I'm afraid to do torrents....

AUGUST 26, 2017 AT 7:30 PM

Dave From Mpls said...


Billy K said...

Man, The Hold Steady owes these guys a couple bucks.
